Breeding happy and healthy dogs
Amey's Kennels & Puppies, Rochester, Central Victoria
Sree owns an accredited dog breeding business on 16 acres of property in Central Victoria.
Desalinated water keeps his dogs happy and healthy while providing an excellent garden for his own family…
Amey’s Kennels & Puppies is a State Government approved breeding facility in Victoria. The business employs eight people on-site to care for the dogs and kennels.
“We use quite a lot of water. For example, we are hosing down pens and washing and drinking water for the dogs. In the Summer months, the water is essential in caring for our dogs,’ Sree mentioned.
The business uses around 2000 litres of water per day in Winter, and in Summer, up to 7000 litres is required.
Sree and his family moved to the area in 2010. At that time, the property was reliant on rainwater and water cartage.
To maintain his business and home use, Sree had to ‘truck in’ water, costing up to $1800 every month. Carting water was not sustainable for the business, so securing a constant supply of water on-site was needed.
“At that time, we didn’t have a garden…We always wanted a garden, especially a lawn,” Sree said.
Before sinking a bore, the water bore contractors suggested calling Puredrop Desalination.
“I was well prepared before drilling the bore. However, if the water quality was not usable, I would need to install desalination,” said Sree.
“I went in and met with Alicia from Puredrop, and she gave me all the confidence to drill the bore,” Sree said.
Sree was communicating with Alicia during the testing and setup process. After tests were conducted, the bore water quality came in at 4200ppm. Sree needed to proceed with setting up a shed to house a Puredrop Desalination unit.
“We were able to place the bore close to power. Alicia gave me the dimensions for a shed to house the unit, which I made a bit larger for the system and storage of parts. Alicia from Puredrop helped through every stage,” Sree said.
Through the Puredrop Desalination unit, Amey’s Kennels now has enough water to care for the dogs, with the added benefit for Sree of maintaining a sizeable garden and lawn area.
Sree has a beautiful garden around his home, with plenty of trees around the property. All are maintained via the Puredrop unit with an automatic irrigation system.
“We now have plenty of water for the dogs, our garden and trees,” smiled Sree.
To maintain the water storage levels, the desalination unit runs for 3-4 hours every second day. And if required, the bore and system can produce up to 25,000 litres a day.
“And, the quality of the water from the Puredrop Desalination unit is at around 50 to 70ppm. Which in my mind is better than drinking water,” Sree added.